Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Week That Was

Graduation galore would be the phrase to describe the past week. Three in a row, plus post-birthday dinner by Kaye and me.

Here's the week in pictures:
St. Scholastica's College Grade School Unit Graduation, March 19

With the blackboard behind us--how appropriately teacher-y
My Prep Family

Post-Birthday Dinner with the Gang at Romulo Cafe, March 22

The Katherines grace us with their presence, as the boys take this shot

Prep Moving-up Ceremony, March 23
With all the hurry and scurry, this is the only shot I got to take.
Nadine and Nicole all set up to dance 'Animal Boogie'. There's 28 more behind them.

Renz's High School Graduation, March 26

Mama's hand fixing him up


Feet: mine and Mona's--one of the few times I get to wear flats. I loved the look. :)

* * *

Now, I'm back in the province, and downtime has officially started.

Looking forward to a lazy, laidback Lent.


  1. congrats, Renz! :)
    RE: the shoes, that pic got me thinking a bit. Who is who? I was thinking that those legs with the red shoes kind of look like Gena's, but the color combination is so unlike Gena and more Mona-ish. Enlighten me.

  2. you know the answer by now, as you've seen more pics from FB. :)
    the feet with the candy-colored shoes are mine, but the shoes are mona's. the whole outfit is, because i don't bring clothes when i go home. except for laundry. :)
    besides, she has too many.


